Short and Sweet: Plain Talk on Customers and Brands
We share our thoughts on the world of customers and brands regularly on our blog—but sometimes, a bite-size video version is just the thing to help our clients reframe their thinking or approach, or reignite the mission they’re already on.
Lights, camera, action … Here, Melissa Dimitri and Eileen Bartholomew share perspectives and practical guidance to help you find your way to delivering great customer and brand experiences.
Embrace a Data-Driven Approach
Don’t let your data—or lack thereof—be the reason you’re not learning enough about your customers. Here’s how to work with what you have to get the ball rolling toward a better customer experience.
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Brand strategy is one thing, but how you show up to customers in the here and now is another—and it’s what really counts. Get a fresh perspective on the way customers perceive your brand and how you can use these insights to shape future experiences.
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Brand strategy is one thing, but how you show up to customers in the here and now is another—and it’s what really counts. Get a fresh perspective on the way customers perceive your brand and how you can implement these insights into your approach.
What is your brand?
It’s more than the information you control. Here’s how to understand the big picture around your brand, your competition, and your customers.
Innovate to Elevate Your Strategy
We’re in the midst of a tech tidal wave. From AI to ML, the technologies we’ve been hearing about for the past several decades are now ubiquitous. It’s time to dive in and start experimenting with how these tools can enhance your customer and brand experience.